Sunday, May 24, 2020
Artificial Happiness in Brave New World - 2181 Words
True happiness and artificial happiness are two similar, but very distinct emotions. The society in which one lives and the surroundings draw a fine line between the two. Happiness is pleasurable satisfaction which results from the possession or attainment of what one considers good, while artificial happiness can be defined as a state of happiness because it is the effect of relying on a substance to make one happy, therefore making it artificial since it does not come naturally. Happiness is not tangible, but can be achieved through many experiences. The famous American philosopher, Ronald Dworkin, criticizes meditation for artificial happiness in his book. A patient escapes her own consciousness through meditation and keeps her†¦show more content†¦Conditioning and hypnopaedic lessons, being one of the very important controls, are procedures that all babies are required to be put through in their premature years. The conditioning of minds allows the government to impress its ideas upon the maturing children. It causes them to love their own caste and acknowledge the presence of other castes. Tomakin, the Director of the Hatchery Centre, explains, â€Å"They’ll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an instinctive hatred of books and flowers. Reflexes unalterably conditioned. They’ll be safe from books and botany all their lives (Huxley 30).†The process includes the electrifying of babies and the alarming sound of a bell as they approach the books and the flowers. This causes them to be conditioned to hate books and flowers. Being able to read, become intelligent, admire the beauty of nature, or vice versa should not be the choice of the state. Conditioning limits the citizens from experiencing the enjoyment of sports, hobbies, entertainment, and talents. With the restriction of true exposure to open interests and activities, the citizens are experiencing simulated happiness. The World State also controls reproduction in the society, which takes place in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. The state’s goal is to create an unwavering community and they use a special process called the Bokanovsky’s Process. The Director explains this process to the new students thatShow MoreRelatedSuppression of Individuality in Huxleys Brave New World and Rands Anthem1686 Words  | 7 PagesFahrenheit 451, a Ray Bradbury book, possesses a stereotypical citizen named Guy Montag. Guy sees the world just the same as any other individual. No true happiness or emotion is ever evoked. In his society, Montag becomes aware that books and other censored items exist in the world, but their presence has no impact on him until a female character enters the story. Talking one afternoon, Montag becomes interest in this female’s opinions on society. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Substance Abuse And The External Factors Affecting Teenage...
In a world filled with violence and traumatic events, young adults are the most vulnerable to them. We see a trend in students hanging out with the wrong crowd digging a deeper hole for themselves; getting involved with drugs, alcohol, and eventually becoming dependent and addicted to them. In discussions of substance abuse and the external factors affecting teenage youth, I believe that parents, society, age, and peers are main factors that contribute to a teenagers drug addiction. Every generation had to eventually deal with the struggle and the hard hit of reality. Have you heard your grandfather constantly nagging about how easy we have it at our age compared to himself? Indeed, each generation is completely different and more evolved than the one before. The one thing to remember is that regardless of what we go through, there is a similarity to how the problem started and how to react to it. The social environment during high school can be confusing. At the start of puberty, the search for identity begins. Youth around this age follow the crowd and give into peer pressure. This is the time where you can be part of the it crowd, or refrain from it. Interestingly enough, friendships form by similar interests, in particular, drugs and alcohol. An excuse to rebel is exciting and deviant for teens. As this trend becomes more prominent, there are more substance abusers getting involved at a younger age. Between 13-17 years old, they come up with reasons as to whyShow MoreRelatedMotherhood Is Cross Culturally Regarded As Vitally Important?2558 Words  | 11 Pageswoman s primary â€Å"mission, profession, and an inseparable part of her nature,†(Leskosek 2011). In contemporary society, however, negative social and biological consequences are associated with young maternity in developed areas (Kramer et al. 2010). Teenage pregnancy is defined as encompassing all pregn ancies between the ages of 10 and 19, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (Males 1992). According to a 2010 study, teen motherhood is â€Å"discouraged, debated as a public health issue and consideredRead MoreThe Necessity of Health Education Essay2268 Words  | 10 Pagesever before. Health education is the best vehicle to inform students of the dangers and consequences that are associated with these substances. Health education also allows students to become aware of the changes that will affect their minds and bodies as they continue to mature. Alcohol is, unfortunately, one of the most easily obtainable and most dangerous substances on the market. Although the legal purchasing and consuming age for alcoholic products is twenty-one, that does not stop younger peopleRead MoreDifficulty Diagnosing Borderline Personality Disorder in 16 Year Olds.2680 Words  | 11 Pagesconsider the possibility of Borderline Personality Disorder being diagnosed in adolescents. Borderline personality disorder is characterized by extreme patterns of impulsivity such as promiscuous sex, spending sprees, reckless drinking or abusing substances, unstable and intense personal relationships and an unstable self-image, amongst a few other symptoms. It is important to remember when making a diagnosis of Borderline personality disorder that quite often some of the symptoms associated withRead MorePower Duties of a Social Worker4076 Words  | 14 Pageslooked after her since he retired. She has eleven grandchildren, but she cannot remember thei r names. He moved in with her after she left the gas on twice and let a stranger into the house. 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A research study linking childhood maltreatment and delinquent behavior done by Stuewig and McCloskey (2005) bot h state that abuse develops shameRead MoreTeen Suicide : A Victim Of Severe Cyberbullying3502 Words  | 15 Pageswho completed these murder-suicides were bullied throughout their school careers (n.d.). In response to this observation, researchers began studying the link between bullying and suicide. Studies are now showing that bullying is an important risk factor in the ideation and completion of suicide in juveniles. Both victims and bullies are more likely to attempt suicide or have suicidal thoughts than those who are not involved in this type of violence (Hinduja and Patchin, 2010). 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It is called by the name of adolescence. If the tide can be taken as flood, and a new voyage began in the stream and along the flow of its current, we think it ill move on to fortune. 1 2 3 4 Adolescence: A periodRead MoreDefinition of Adolescent Development14200 Words  | 57 Pagesgroup. Dorothy Rogers: Adolescence is a process rather than a period, a process of achieving the attitudes and beliefs needed for effective participation in society. The Hadow Report in England: There is a tide which begins to rise in the veins of youth at the age of eleven or twelve. It is called by the name of adolescence. If the tide can be taken as flood, and a new voyage began in the stream and along the flow of its current, we think it ill move on to fortune. 1 2 3 4 Adolescence:Read MoreUnderstanding Child And Young Person Development Essay9603 Words  | 39 PagesYoung Person Development The sequence and rate of each aspect of development. I found this topic very interesting and have enjoyed gaining a deeper understanding of how and why children develop the way they do; also the huge influences that differing factors can have on that development. As adults we utilise many skills in order to complete any given task, the same applies to children and because of this overlap of skills , child development is regarded as a holistic event, where no part of development
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Model Cv Free Essays
Utkarsh Bhardwaj Human Resource Management EDUCATION BTECH Class XII Class X INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,KHARAGPUR Rajendra Vidyalaya , Jamshedpur Rajendra Vidyalaya , Jamshedpur Deemed University CBSE CBSE 77. 1% 2009 87. 5% 89% 2004 2002 WORK EXPERIENCE India Bulls ? Worked at India Bulls at Nasik Factory ? Secured highest project rating in the project team ? Conducted Integration test at Nasik Factory and Relaid the plan for compressor simulation June 2010june 2012 AWARDS ACHIEVEMENTS ? Secured project rating of 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Model Cv or any similar topic only for you Order Now 6/5 at India Bulls Professional 2011 ? Awarded â€Å"Best Employee for the monthâ€Å" in july 2011 ? Secured 99. 86 percentile in Cat 2011 and 99. 87 in XAT 2011 ? Secured ALL INDIA RANK 412 in IITJEE 2005 and ALL INDIA RANK 945 in AIEEE 2005 Academic ? Secured Admission into INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR ? Published paper in â€Å"Fuel Combustion†in Alankar â€Å" Magazine of IIT KGP Participate Won Bplan competition held at kshtij 2007 Extra Won Antakshari competition held in intra department fest in IIT KGP Curricular ? Academic Projects ? ? Conducted a study to analyse HR Size ,structure and status of HR at TATA STEEL ? Identified the variations in the HR functions and its impact XLRI ? Published pa . ? Published paper on â€Å" Bio Mechanics and combustion fuelâ€Å" in IIT KGP’s â€Å" Alankar†? Conducted a study on incentive schemes of Deutche Bank ltd Magazine ? Analysed the business impact and effectiveness of these schemes ? Published paper on â€Å" Fuel –less Electricity†in kshitij 2006per on â€Å" Bio Mechanics and ? A fuelâ€Å" in IIT various IR issues that arose combustion nalysed theKGP’s â€Å" Alankar†Magazine at different stages Published paper on â€Å" uel –less E of †angern as a quality ? Conducted a study on theFbehaviour lectricity†i†kshitij 2006of an individual in different 2011 2011 2005 2005 2005 2007 2012 contexts ? Analysed the effect of Appreciation in the organisational context and cross cultural context OTHER INTERE? TS S Food ? Currently member of Infracom of XLRI and conducted Valhalla competition Sports Songs ? Like playing foot ball ? Social work ? Won Antakshari competition at IIT KGP Participated in 3 day village exposure trip by TSRD UTKARSH BHARDWAJ | 105, TFEMR, XLRI, Jamshedpur| h12120@astra. xlri. ac. in 2012 2012 2003-7 2011 How to cite Model Cv, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
My Box by Gillian Clarke Essay Example For Students
My Box by Gillian Clarke Essay The poem My Box written by Gillian Clarke is about a gift of a box from a man to a woman. The writer thinks that a box is a much better gift than any thing. Here I am trying to explain why she thinks that. My box is made of golden oak, my lovers gift to me Clarke introduces two characters here, the lover and the narrator. He fitted hinges and a lock of brass and a bright key. When I read this, it seems as if a word is missing between bright and key. This may be deliberate to emphasize the youthfulness of the writer at this point in the poem. He made it out of winter nights, sanded and oiled and planed, engraved inside a heavy lid in brass, a golden tree. This means that the man spent a lot of time on the box because and was emphasized three times. In the second stanza, the poet describes what the woman has done with the box. In my box are twelve black books where I have written down how we have sanded, oiled and planed, planted a garden, built a wall, seen jays and gold crests, rare red kites, found the wild heartsease, drilled a well, harvested apples and words and days and planted a golden tree. This whole stanza is written as a list to tell us what they did as a couple. In my box are twelve black books These are presumably her whole memories written down in books, like a diary. It also shows how short life is, because her whole life with as a couple is written in twelve books, which probably meaning the twelve months of a year. Each of the things in the list was metaphor to what normally happens in a relationship. For instance built a wall would be; perhaps, they had bought their own secure home. Planted a golden tree would be to signify life; perhaps they had children and prospered. In the third stanza, it is obvious that the writer is writing as an older person, because it mentions death. On an open shelf I keep my box. Its key is in the lock This means that the box is accessible to those who want to read it. So the black books arent necessarily diaries because they are to be read and for people to read so theyll know how much the couple was in love. I leave it there for you to read, or them, when we are dead The you mentioned in the line is probably directed to her husband, which is quite unconventional because it is believed that husbands die before the wives, and she is saying the opposite. Them is directed to the children, who perhaps havent grown up yet. How everything is slowly made. she is probably referring to the relationship and how it took a long time to make it real. How slowly things made me, a tree, a lover, words, a box, books and a golden tree. She is saying how all these things have made her a person. A tree stands for a possible family tree, having continuity in her life. A lover means the good and bad experiences that couples generally have. Words means what you say to people and how they affect you and them. It also says that words were harvested, in the last stanza. A box means her whole life with her partner and her experiences. Books are the twelve books that she has written in which shows her memories. The Golden tree is the core of the poem, it is a metaphor for love and how was nurtured from a seed, faces the good and bad experiences and how it flourishes into something beautiful. .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .postImageUrl , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:hover , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:visited , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:active { border:0!important; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:active , .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2 .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uce5b63335e4d4457576e65ca7e16f6c2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Victorian and Romantic Poetry EssayThroughout the poem, it seems that the poet consciously wants the woman to age. At the beginning of the poem, Clarke writes as if the woman is young in the relationship. In the second stanza, Clarke writes as though the woman has got married and has had children. The last stanza is like the end of the womans life, certainly not the end of the relationship because she believes that her experiences will live on through the books. I think the poet is trying to show that life is short but memories will always outlive them.
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